Cleaners training to remind them the importance of having a very clean Selian hospital.  The HR is organising all Cleaners to assess what’s the best cleaning materials for better quality cleaning. Our customers/patients/children needs quality service, clean hospital etc, so we need to train our Cleaners regularly on the better ways to do cleaning.

timu ya kushafisha (cleaning team) - Goals 2024

  1. Separate Cleaning and Nursing and meetings
  2. Lydia from ALMC to train and supervise weekly
  3. Floor cleaning Scrubber Machine(s) – (no lifts) and training and polish
  4. Job Allocation – Daily, Weekly and Monthly Checklists for each cleaner
  5. Allen to do weekly checklist walking around of Selian
  6. More buckers, mops and correct chemicals
  7. Monthly Awards
  8. White Boots for all cleaners
  1. Tenga Usafishaji na Uuguzi na mikutano
  2. Lydia kutoka ALMC kutoa mafunzo na kusimamia kila wiki
  3. Mashine ya kusafisha sakafu (4) yenye mafunzo na polishi
  4. Ugawaji wa Kazi – Orodha za Kila Siku, Wiki na Mwezi kwa kila msafishaji
  5. Allen tengeneza orodha ya matembezi ya kila wiki karibu na Selian
  6. Buckers zaidi, mops na kemikali sahihi
  7. Zawadi za Kila Mwezi
  8. Boti nyeupe kwa wasafishaji wote

Feb 2023

These are Selian staff [Emmanuel, Kimesera, Happiness, Rehema, Zainabu, Rodgers, Namnyaki, Stella and Steven] who received a monthly award for being best Cleaners and best workers for the months of December 2022 and January 2023.

timu ya kushafisha mkutano Jan 2023